
Family Health

Caring for Every Generation

Delivering compassionate, comprehensive healthcare in the heart of Mt. Juliet.

Family Health at Mt Juliet Health and Wellness
Family Health at Mt Juliet Health and Wellness
Acute Illness

From sudden fevers to unexpected aches, our dedicated team is here to diagnose, treat, and guide you back to health. We understand the urgency and provide timely care for acute illnesses.


Allergies can range from mildly annoying to severely debilitating. At Mt. Juliet Health & Wellness, we offer allergy evaluation and individualized management plans to help you lead a comfortable, symptom-free life.

Annual Exams

Routine check-ups are a cornerstone of preventive healthcare. Our annual exams provide comprehensive health assessments, early detection of potential issues, and personalized health advice.


Mental health is an integral part of overall well-being. We approach depression with sensitivity, offering evaluations, support, and treatment options tailored to individual needs.

High Cholesterol & Hypertension

Heart health risks, if left unchecked, can lead to severe complications. We offer thorough assessments, lifestyle guidance, and medication management to help you keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check.

Minor Surgical Procedures

Our clinic is equipped to handle minor surgical procedures safely. From removing skin lesions to minor wound care, trust in our expertise for quality outcomes.

Thyroid Health

Thyroid imbalances can impact various bodily functions. We offer detailed assessments, diagnostics, and treatments to ensure your thyroid health is optimal.


Vaccinations are a key defense against various diseases. Our clinic provides Tdap and Hepatits B, ensuring you and your family remain protected.

Weight Management

Every individual’s journey to a healthy weight is unique. We provide personalized strategies, nutritional guidance, and support to help you achieve and maintain your health goals.

General Health and Wellness

Promoting holistic well-being, our general health services cover dietary guidance, lifestyle advice, and preventive strategies to ensure you lead a balanced, healthy life.

Your family’s health is our utmost priority!

 Schedule a consultation today and let’s embark on a journey to well-being together.

Your health journey matters to us.

Discover the difference of personalized care and schedule an appointment today.


(615) 553-5002


1097 Weston Drive Suite B
Mt. Juliet, TN. 37122

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